Zorali are on a roll.
The company is headed up and founded by the Greenwoods, a Victorian couple, who inject their enviro-friendly planetary stoke directly into the gear they make.
The outdoor gear is good outdoor gear—the kind of outdoor gear you might see experienced-looking campers using in a rainforest. The more laidback clothing is cool clothing—the kind of clothing you might see folks wearing at a wave check or surf pub. The ethos behind it all is sound too. The Zorali crew regularly run events in nature to encourage people to get out of their houses and into the wild, then they do nice things with their community like planting trees where it’s needed most.
Want to get outdoors more? Now you can look cool doing it.
How many times have you been at the beach or in the desert or exploring the Arctic and thought "gee, wish I had a pizza oven right about now?".
I know! Happens all the time, right? Thankfully, wishing-on-a-pizza is now a thing of the past with the Gozney Roccbox—a portable pizza oven guaranteed to make you feel like you're always in Naples.
The oven itself might look like a letterbox, but we can assure you it CAN cook a pizza. In fact, It gets up to 500 degrees celsius, which (by our calculations) = hot yummy pizza fast.
You can even cook it a la woodfire, if you add on the Roccbox Wood Burner 2.0. Mamma mia!
At first glance, the Aptera solar-powered off-grid car kind of reminds us of the really shitty vehicle Homer Simpson designed for his long-lost brother Herb/Herbert. The one that unsurprisingly tanks, and completely bankrupts, Powell Motors.
Luckily, we reckon the Aptera is destined to be a bit more successful. It’s got a pretty wild design, but it’s incredibly efficient, is able to use only solar power when needed, and hardly ever needs charging. It can drive up to 1,600 kilometres per charge, and 65km off pure solar power.
You can live off grid for long stints in this thing, making it the perfect exploring vehicle. Sleeping in your car just got cool.
They do things differently over at Shelter Brewing, the bustling Busselton-based brewery brewing bad bois big flavours.
‘Root Stout is a limited edish, savoury and smoky containing none other than the humble beetroot—that purple legend of a vegetable which has never, ever belonged in a beer, until now.
“I ordered 50 kilos of beetroot to put in the brew, and when it arrived, the kitchen team got hold of it and prepped it for meals in the restaurant. They complained to the Head Chef for ordering so much beetroot, and I had to find 50 kilos of beets at short notice,” Shelter’s Head Brewer Jason Credaro said.
“Luckily we have great suppliers, so we were able to order some more. The ‘Root Stout is not too heavy and has a great body built on the epic grain bill."
Get it in ya, either in can format or on tap at the brewery’s epic spot on the water in Australia’s south-west.
FROM AU$21 For a four-pack
There’s nothing worse than trying to surreptitiously slip through airport security, only to get plucked out of the line and asked to open your bag.
“We thought it was a weapon, haha” they say to you, waving around the giant purple, double-ended dildo you packed, to the extreme amusement of everyone around. We’ve all been there though, right? Right?!
LELO make sex toys that pass the discretion test, like the SILA Sonic Clitoral Massager—a tiny vibrator that they say makes hardly any noise (so you’re good to whip it out anywhere, we guess?) and the Tor 3 Penis Ring, if that’s what you’re into. They’re both very concealable, and unlikely to result in embarrassment at the airport.
Maybe just check the laws of the country you’re flying into first—some more conservative places aren’t as on board with self pleasure. Would make a great story though.